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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/11/16 The Christian and Government Part 2 Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM The_Christian_and_Government_Part_2_091116_AM_Jeff_Smelser.mp3
09/04/16 The Christian and Government Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM The_Christian_and_Government_09042016_AM_Jeff_Smelser.mp3
08/21/16 Worshiping God with Music Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Worshiping_God_With_Music_Jeff_Smelser_AM_082116.mp3
08/14/16 Shadows and Realities Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM Shadows_and_Realities_-_2016-8-14_PM_-_Jeff_Smelser.mp3
08/07/16 A Word from God Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM A_Word_From_God_08072016_AM_Jeff_Smelser.mp3
08/07/16 Authority Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM Authority_Jeff_Smelser_08072016_PM.mp3
07/29/16 Profanity Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Profanity_Jeff_Smelser_072916_AM.mp3
07/24/16 Stop and Think PP Kevin O'Banion N/A Sun AM Stop_and_Think_Kevan_OBanion_Exton_072416.pptx
07/24/16 Stop And Think Kevin O'Banion N/A Sun AM Stop_And_Think_-_Kevin_Obanion_-_072416.mp3
07/17/16 Studying with 3 Types of People Jeff Smith N/A Sun PM Studying_with_3_Types_of_People_Jeff_Smith_071716.mp3
07/17/16 Habakkuk Joe Hamm N/A Sun AM Habakkuk_071716_Joe_Hamm.mp3
07/10/16 What is the Church Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM What_is_the_Church_071016_Jeff_Smelser.mp3
07/03/16 Modesty Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Modesty_070316_Jeff_Smelser.mp3
06/26/16 Faith Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Faith_062616_Jeff_Smelser.mp3
06/12/16 There was no king in Israel Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM There_was_no_king_in_Israel_-_Jeff_Smelser_-_2016-6-12.mp3
06/12/16 The Church at Thessalonica Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM The_Church_at_Thessalonica_-_Jeff_Smelser_-_2016-6-12.mp3
06/05/16 Philanthropy Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Philanthropy.mp3
05/29/16 Ephesians Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Ephesians_052916.mp3
05/22/16 Praising God Jon Focht N/A Sun AM Jon_Focht_Praising_God_052216.mp3
05/08/16 What can we do for transgender people Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM What_can_we_do_for_transgender_people_-_Jeff_Smelser_-_20160508.mp3
05/01/16 We Must Share the Good News Clint Andrews N/A Sun AM We_Must_Share_the_Good_News_-_Clint_Andrews_-_20160501.mp3
05/01/16 You Need a Plan for Real Change Al McLellan N/A Sun AM You_Need_a_Plan_for_Real_Change_-_Al_McLellan_-_20160501.mp3
04/24/16 Sin is Selfish Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Sin_is_Selfish_-_Jeff_Smelser_-_20160424.mp3
04/17/16 God is the object of our worship not the church Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM God_is_the_object_of_our_worship_not_the_church_-_Jeff_Smelser_-_20160417.mp3
04/17/16 What is strong willed Dan Bunting N/A Sun AM What_is_strong_willed_-_Dan_Bunting_-_20160417.mp3

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