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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
06/10/18 The Faith Leading to Salvation Art Driedger N/A Sun PM The_Faith_Leading_to_Salvation.pptx The_Faith_Leading_to_Salvation_Art_Driedger_pm_061018.mp4
06/03/18 Gambling Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Gambling.mp4
06/03/18 Genesis 15 Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM Genesis_15.mp4
05/27/18 Who Am I? Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Who_Am_I.pptx Who_Am_I_Jeff_Smelser_am_052718.mp4
05/27/18 Salvation a Process or an Event? Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM salvation_process_or_event.pptx Salvation_a_Process_or_Event_Jeff_Smelser_pm_052718.mp4
05/20/18 Be Ready Clint Andrews N/A Sun AM Be_Ready_eng_spanish.pptx Be_Ready_Clint_Andrews_am_052018.mp4
05/13/18 Decision-Making Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Decision_Making_Jeff_Smelser_am_051318.mp4 Acts_21_decision_making.pptx
05/13/18 Christian Charity Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM Christian_Charity.pptx Christian_Charity_Jeff_Smelser_pm_051318.mp4
04/29/18 An Exquisite Environment Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Untitled_ProjectAn_Exquisite_Environment_Jeff_Smelser_am_042918.mp4 exquisite_habitation.pptx
04/22/18 If I had Been at Pentecost Simon Harris N/A Sun AM If_I_Had_Been_at_Pentecost_Simon_Harris_am_042218.mp4 If_I_Had_Been_at_Pentecost_PC_version.pptx
04/22/18 Let the Children - 1801 Dan Bunting N/A Sun PM Let_the_Chldren_Dan_Bunting_pm_042218.mp4 Let_the_Children_-_1801_DAN_BUNTING.pptx
04/15/18 Extenuating Circumstances Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM extenuating_circumstances.pptx Extenuating_Circumstances_Jeff_Smelser_am_041518.mp4
04/15/18 Pleasing Men Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM pleasing_men.pptx Pleasing_Men_Jeff_Smelser_pm_041518.mp4
04/01/18 The Lord Sent Him Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM the_lord_sent_him.pptx The_Lord_Sent_Him_Jef_Smelser_am_040118.mp4
03/18/18 Foundations Chase Byers N/A Sun AM Foundations.pptx Foundations_Chase_Byers_am_031818.mp4
03/11/18 Do We Believe what We Say We Believe? Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM do_we_believe_what_we_say_we_believe.pptx Do_We_Believe_what_We_Say_We_Believe_Jeff_Smelser_am_031118-1520789349.mp4
03/11/18 Who was the High Priest? Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM who_was_the_high_priest.pptx Who_was_the_High_Priest_Jeff_Smelser_pm_081118.mp4
03/04/18 Two Different Worlds Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM two_different_worlds.pptx Two_Different_Worlds_Jeff_Smelser_am_030418.mp4
03/04/18 Justification by Faith through Grace - Not a New Concept Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM Justification_by_Faith_Through_Grace_Not_a_New_Idea_pm_Jeff_Smelser_030418.mp4 justification_by_faith_through_grace_not_a_new_idea.pptx
02/25/18 Acts 10 - Cornelius Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM ACTS_10_-_Cornelius.mp4
02/18/18 Bitcoin and the Bible Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM bitcoin_and_the_bible.pptx Bitcoin_and_the_Bible_Jeff_Smelser_am_021818.mp4
02/18/18 Paul and James Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM paul_and_james.pptx Paul_and_James_Jeff_Smelser_pm_021818.mp4
02/11/18 Marriage Scott Shreve N/A Sun AM Marriage_Scott_Shreve_am_021118.mp4 Marriage_2.11.18_FOR_SCREEN.pptx
02/11/18 Which Son are You? Jacob Wolfgong N/A Sun PM Which_Son_are_You_Jacob_Wolfgong_pm_021118.mp4 Prodigal_Son_2-11-2018.pptx
02/04/18 But You Say - Malachi Clint Andrews N/A Sun AM But_You_Say_-_Malachi.mp4

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